Active Terms of Service

All services sold, leased, issued or otherwise provided by WP Service Masters are covered by the active Terms of Service published on this page. The FAQs shown here demonstrate how these terms of service work in practice.

Each time you pay to receive service from WP Service Masters you agree to the Active Terms of Service as they are written at the time of payment. When you pay for service you also signal that you possess all necessary authority to hire WP Service Masters to perform tasks in relation to each web asset you register with WP Service Masters.

These Terms of Service are covered by copyright. Copyright belongs to WP Service Masters.

Active Terms of Service October 2024

Subscription Services

Any site enrolled onto a monthly maintenance & monitoring service plan or other subscription service plan must be assessed by WP Service Masters before service delivery commences. Assessment is necessary to ensure sites are ready to receive regular service. Sites that are not ready for service will be considered for website optimization.

Your service agreement with WP Service Masters renews under the terms of the Active Terms of Service with each monthly payment.

Non Subscription Services (Unit Rate Priced Services)

WP Service Masters bills per job, per task or per hour for non-subscription services such as website optimization, website server migration, WordPress training, web development, theme installation, on-demand hourly support and services other than subscription based monthly monitoring & maintenance services. These are unit rate priced services.

Services provided at a price per unit are issued under the terms of the Active Terms of Service when the initial payment for service is made.

Permissions Granted to WP Service Masters

You grant WP Service Masters permission to a) perform tasks requested of WP Service Masters by you, and b) to perform any necessary actions required to enable completion of any requested task. These permissions will only be used as necessary for service delivery.

Example actions performed under these permissions include:

  • domain registrant checks
  • contact with named individuals
  • access to any website you entrust to us
  • access to any web server used by any website you entrust to us
  • modification of web site or server configuration settings
  • modification of DNS configuration settings
  • installation of file and data into any website or web server you entrust to us
  • modification of files and data stored on any website or web server you entrust to us
  • migration of data between storage locations to facilitate data backups or site migrations or site restorations
  • contact with 3rd parties on your behalf

Data Protection and Account Privacy

Data protection, data security and account privacy are important to WP Service Masters.

  • WP Service Masters will not share your data with third parties unless required to do so by law or unless permitted to do so by you.
  • WP Service Masters respects non-disclosure agreements
  • WP Service Masters respects account privacy

Account data is stored and maintained on UK and US servers. Some data is stored on cloud servers provided by Google. Data is accessed from the UK and US via secure SSL/TLS protected protocols. WP Service Masters occasionally creates securely encrypted backups of client data for the purpose of off-line storage and off-line access. Off-line data is deleted when off-line access to data or off-line data storage is no longer required.

Access to Data Held by WP Service Masters

You can access and view on request at any time any data WP Service Masters holds in relation to you and your account. WP Service Masters may present that data any way deemed necessary to ensure protection of intellectual property and proprietary processes.

Service Account Data Removal

You may ask WP Service Masters to delete your account data. WP Service Masters will honor any such request unless prohibited by law or where data deletion is detrimental to service delivery or detrimental to internal processes. WP Service Masters will tell you when law prohibits data deletion. WP Service Masters will seek agreement to retain data where data deletion is detrimental to service delivery or internal processes.

WP Service Masters reserves the right to store anonymized work log data for an indefinite period unless prohibited to do so by your local data protection laws.

Service Delivery

Service delivery is dependent on sufficient funds being paid by you to WP Service Masters to allow WP Service Masters to complete requested tasks.

Response Times

Most service requests are answered instantly. Our commitments are:

  • During normal working hours we respond to requests within 4 hours of receipt
  • Outside normal working hours we respond to requests within 12 hours of receipt
  • During US and UK national holidays we respond to requests within 24 hours of receipt.

We usually respond to requests made by email, Hangout and Skype within 10 minutes of receipt.


You agree WP Service Masters is to be held blameless for loss of earnings, loss of data, loss of business or any other loss that might occur in consequence to any action, inaction, activity or inactivity of WP Service Masters.


WP Service Masters processes payments securely through PayPal. Invoices are sent from PayPal. Subscription payment services are provided by PayPal. Other options for payment will be considered on a case-by-case basis when requested.


The following persons or entities may request early termination of the relationship between you and WP Service Masters:

  • The person or entity who entered into this agreement
  • A named person or entity authorized to represent the person or entity who hired WP Service Masters
  • The registrant of the domain serviced by WP Service Masters or the domain registrant’s legal representative
  • WP Service Masters or its legal representative

WP Service Masters will honor cancellation requests issued by the above listed persons or entities.


Payment refunds for cancelled or downgraded subscription service plans are issued on a prorated basis.

Payment refunds for unit rate services are issued with the cost of the delivered portion of the service deducted from any payments made. The cost of the delivered portion is calculated at our hourly rate advertised at the time the service was purchased. A bill for any unpaid costs accrued for service delivery will be issued where necessary. The balance of any bill issued may be invoiced as per an arranged payment plan.

Payment Holidays – Subscription Services

After a minimum period of 6 months continuous paid Professional and Ultimate service provision you may request a free month of same-plan service cover from WP Service Masters. This free month is your payment holiday period. We will grant this payment holiday without argument or quibble. Only one payment holiday will be granted per 12 month service period.

Payment Holidays & Payment Plan Adjustments – Unit Rate Services

If you pay for a unit rate service such as website optimization or web development services by monthly instalments and require a payment holiday, tell us and we will work with you to adjust your payment plan to suit your needs.

Payment Holidays – Regional Disasters & Regional Emergencies

WP Service Masters may decide at its discretion to not send invoices to those affected by unexpected regional emergencies and regional disasters such as hurricane, earthquake or war. WP Service Masters will decide the duration over which invoices will not be sent and the regions covered by this type of payment holiday.

3rd Party Costs

WP Service Masters provides technical and website administration services. You are responsible for 3rd party costs. WP Service Masters will seek your approval before providing a service that might incur 3rd party costs.